Hilliard - Water Lily

Lauren Hilliard

Water Lily

Inspired by the nature that surrounds us all, I am enrich with every photograph I take that captures the essence of life. Each photograph is a portrait encompassing visual metaphors. I have come to understand how the entire landscape I portray in my images represents the serenity of life with a deep inner reflection. Water Lily speaks of diversity. Flowers are each diverse, display unique characteristics in their petals, yet they are exempt from the characteristic of our human faces that create societal division and discord. Each petal of the the water lily represents inclusion, held together by the base, a strong metaphor for a community, as each part of the flower holds an essential task for sustainable order. The inclusive and welcoming nature that the landscape gives is only granted because of the nurturing that is given by the environment around it, allowing its beauty to be revealed. Equity is important, as each of us deserves to have the right to fairness, yet many forget how equity is essential for our environment as well. In many areas, equitable environments are not granted. One of my great missions is to photograph beauty from around the world for others who might not be able to see – from my lens to yours. The concept of my exhibit is to show the beauty of nature, in this case, what a singular lily brings to just one photo. The bright colors show the physical beauty and its essential inner beauty, reaching its full potential. Water lilies speak to me as they hold immense fragility, each with unique backgrounds from one another just like you and me.

20x30 Photograph Printed on Satin Paper.